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Family Counseling


Did you know that family was God’s idea? 


The family is the first institution that God established on earth; it is an opportunity to reflect and reproduce God throughout the entire world.  He wants to see your family healthy and fruitful. 


The family is also imperfect and complex and requires a lot of love, grace, forgiveness, sacrifice, compromise, and boundaries.  There are many factors that can complicate the family unit including, but not limited to:


  • Abuse

  • Addiction

  • Blended families

  • Divorce

  • Fear and control

  • Grief

  • In-laws

  • Parenting issues

  • Poor boundaries

  • Secrets

  • Unforgiveness



Typically, it is a journey for the family to get to that place of health and fruitfulness.  Sometimes you just need an outside voice to help you gain perspective, navigate through complex situations, and break unhealthy patterns.


Family counseling can provide the opportunity for each family member to fully express themselves, to be heard, establish healthy boundaries, and develop communication and conflict resolution skills.  What you will find is that family dynamics organically manifest themselves during sessions, giving your therapist the opportunity to help you process those dynamics.


Investing in your family will not only impact your household but generations to come.



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