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Marriage Counseling


“God hopes for your marriage when you cannot and

He is faithful to your marriage when you forget.”

 Malika King, LPC



Healthy marriages take a lot of intentionality and commitment to become all that God intended. He designed marriage as a covenant between you, your spouse, and Himself. Each of you have been wired for intimacy, attachment, and connection. 


In marriage, the more you both move toward God, the closer you become to each other. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on God, spouses often begin to focus on themselves and their unmet needs.  It then becomes easy to dishonor one’s spouse, hold onto unforgiveness, and make  judgments about their mate's worst actions only to judge themselves by their best intentions. 


If you find yourself stuck in an unfulfilled marriage that does not resemble the heart of God, I can help you shift your perspective and surrender your marriage to Him.



My Approach


My aim in marriage counseling is to address the underlying heart issues that divide the couples, which are often very different than the presenting problem.  As you surrender to God, you as a couple will identify your strengths, mutually agree on the solutions, allowing you to develop an agreeable, intimate, and fulfilling marriage.


Marriage counseling may include separate and joint sessions. Separate sessions allow this therapist to hear individual concerns, whereas joint sessions allow observations of the marriage dynamics.  


If only one spouse is willing to get counseling, I encourage you to pursue getting help through individual counseling.  Many times, after one spouse begins counseling and the other spouse recognizes growth, he/she may be more open to the idea.


I recognize that all marriages will not be restored.  If you decide that divorce is inevitable, I will be able to help you navigate that transition.  















HJCC Works With Couples Who Are:


Desiring to maintain a healthy marriage


Falling out of love


In crisis due to addiction, affairs, & secrets


Dealing with power struggles


Considering reconciliation


Stuck in dysfunctional patterns


Struggling with disconnection & isolation


Struggling with anger, control, & manipulation


Struggling with trust & forgiveness


Struggling with financial issues


Struggling with parental conflicts


Struggling with intimacy - spiritual, emotional, mental, physical


Dealing with much more...








Copyright © 2016 by Heart Journey Christain Counseling. All rights reserved

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