covid-19 statement
Heart Journey Christian Counseling, LLC wants to assure you that we are taking precautions to ensure that our office is a safe place for you to receive services.
❖ We offer telehealth sessions in place of an office visit if you have been exposed to respiratory illnesses, are feeling ill, are recovering from illness, or choosing to social distance.
❖ Telehealth sessions details will be emailed to you at your email on file if a telehealth session is scheduled. We use, which is a HIPPA compliant service designed for tele-health.
For clients who need or prefer in-person sessions, please note the following:
❖ Our office reserves the right to reschedule or request telehealth appointments to protect herself, family, and clients. Consequently, you may want to make it a practice to check your emails prior to attending your appointment.
❖ We are disinfecting the office area by wiping down door handles and frequently touched areas with antibacterial and antimicrobial wipes and disinfecting spray between clients. We ask that you wash you hands with soap and water in the bathroom as soon as you enter the office suite. prior to entering the office. We are also regularly washing our hands and using hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs.
❖ You have the option of waiting in your car or outside prior to your appointment. You will need to call when you arrive and the therapist will open the front door at your appointment time. This allows you to go straight to their office without opening any doors or sharing space with any other people.
❖ The therapist will open and close the office door to minimize cross contamination. This does not include the front door (unless you choose to wait in your vehicle until your appointment time) or bathroom doors.
❖ Please do not come to the office for an in-person session if you or anyone in your home are ill. Please also inform us if anyone in your immediate work environment or child’s classrooms has any respiratory symptoms, or if you have traveled internationally recently.
❖ Until further notice, if you or someone in your family is too ill for us to meet at all, cancellations will be accepted without a time limit or late cancellation fee and rescheduled as your therapist’s availability allows. Our regular cancellation policy will remain in place for cancellations unrelated to illness.
❖ For more information about how to best protect yourself and others from infection visit,